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Equine Domestication – Using Versus Abusing?

Monique Craig The domestication of the horse has played a pivotal role in advancing humankind by providing immense social and economic advantages over centuries. Its domestication provided humans with a means to travel further and faster – allowing for a greater...

Important Lessons Horses Have Taught Me

I have dedicated my life to help my equine friends. How and why I got started is quite a long story and I will leave it for later. I was fortunate to have long-term relationship with some horses and through them have gained a profound understanding not only of hooves...

Case Study of a Metabolic Welsh Pony Mare

Case Study of a Metabolic Welsh Pony Mare (The Farriers Journal 2021) Monique Craig   Is shoeing enough to restore laminitic horses to health? Obviously, the answer is no! When working on laminitic horses, it is very important to have a team...