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Equine Domestication – Using Versus Abusing?

Monique Craig The domestication of the horse has played a pivotal role in advancing humankind by providing immense social and economic advantages over centuries. Its domestication provided humans with a means to travel further and faster – allowing for a greater...

Important Lessons Horses Have Taught Me

I have dedicated my life to help my equine friends. How and why I got started is quite a long story and I will leave it for later. I was fortunate to have long-term relationship with some horses and through them have gained a profound understanding not only of hooves...

Learning The Bone Referenced Trim

By Jonathan Samuelsson My name is Jonathan Samuelsson. I grew up in Sweden and now live in Roy, WA, where I have been a Hoof care provider since 2019. I started as a barefoot trimmer but soon realized that more protection for the hoof is needed in some cases....

Using EponaShoes to Achieve Heel-First Landings

Written By Casey Sexton of North Georgia Hoof Care What are “heel-first landings,” and why are they important? Heel-first landings refer to how hooves hit the ground in locomotion. Hooves can also land flat and toe-first. Within these parameters, we can also assess if...